Monday, April 23, 2012

Time is something we don't always have a great deal of

Part of being involved with Wish Granters is seeing a Wish come true, and that is always exciting for me. Part of being involved with Wish Granters is when you lose a person who has already had their Wish. It's hard, but you know a Wish has happened, and you know the family has that memory. But the worse part is when you lose someone before the Wish happens. Sometimes it just happens much quicker than anyone expected. I just learned we lost Lawrence to Cancer before his Wish happened. We were working on it, in fact the person who was helping us with it was going back out there Monday to finalize what had to be done.

If you know of someone with a terminal illness who should have a Wish, don't wait to call us, give us as much time as possible. But it's also important for us to have the funds in the bank to do the Wish. Please support us by attending our events, or making adonation on our web site, please give what you can.

Time is something we don't always have a great deal of.